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Kath VDS Mindset New Logo
Sphere on Spiral Stairs
Image by Matt Paul Catalano

How to work with Kath

Kathryn is now a Certified Master Coach and offers a wide range of services.

To help break it down for you, there is a snapshot of her offerings below. To learn more head on over to the contact page and book in a free discovery call so we can see if we are a great fit to work together. 

Team Coaching

Executive Coaching 

An experienced coach will support their clients to make sense of their constantly flowing environment. Coaching can be a key support in a VUCA environment (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous). 

Executive Coaching with KathVDS Mindset focuses on making changes to shift personal perspectives and mindset that removes impasses that are blocking insight and creativity. Access to insight and creativity are ultimately required to find new solutions to the client's presenting problems. 


Using a structured brain-based approach to the coaching, with enough flexibility in the program to suit the client's needs.  It is goal focused and explores the need to balance Strategy, Relationship Building, Influence and Execution to meet the client's goals. 


Outcomes and benefits: 

  • Improved self awareness of limitation or triggers

  • Strategies (skillset) to identify and overcome limitations and triggers 

  • Structured approach to goal setting

  • Breaking down big rocks (goals) into small chunks (stepping stones)

  • Action planning to achieve goals 

  • Tools to increase insight and creativity 

  • Strategies to improve performance, both cognitive and physical

  • Whole person approach to increase resilience and improve the overall wellbeing of the client

Kath in chair _edited.png
Team Coaching

Team Coaching

"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts"- Aristotle

Just as high-performance individuals benefit from coaching so do teams. When there is friction or a weak link in a team it can have a significant impact on the team's overall ability to deliver and ultimately the business results. 


Working with the collective team and as individuals, we identify what is not being said in the team environment and ultimately impacting the team's cohesiveness, collaboration and output.

Just as you can unlock latent potential in an individual, you can do the same with a team. 


Outcomes and Benefits: 

  • Improved collective self awareness of limitations or triggers

  • Strategies (skillset) to identify and overcome limitations and triggers as individuals and as a group

  • Structure approach to goal setting for the team

  • Action planning to achieve goals 

  • Tools to increase insight and creativity collectively as a team

  • Identification of the mix of Strategy, Influence, Relationship Building and Execution skills collectively across the team

  • How to maximise the mix of Strategy, Influence, Relationship Building and Execution skills for improved team performance

  • Improved overall relationships with the team

  • Improved resilience and wellbeing of the collective team

Happy Woman
Facilitation, offsites, & retreats

Facilitation, offsites, & retreats

"The facilitator plays the role of a model of authenticity for the group: listening for the depth of decisions that need to be faced, speaking only from experience and preferring remaining silent to giving 'good advice' ungrounded. Rejoicing in the success of the group." - John Epps

The ability to hold space and hold a room or one of Kath's most crafted skills and is often commented on.

Working with you prior to the day to understand your key outcomes for the sessions. 
Taking back to a POWERful start Kath will co-create your:

What's in it for the attendee's

Engagement - how we will engagement on the day

Resources we need to execute on the day 


From that, Kath will build you a full facilitation plan for the day/s or retreat and execute to plan on the day ensuring your outcomes are met. Kath will honour if you want to flow through the session/s for as they unfold, or if you need to execute to a plan with precision. 

Image by Ralph (Ravi) Kayden
Personal breakthrough coaching

Personal Breakthrough Coaching

Ignight Package

  • Personal or Professional Breakthrough 

  • 6 - 8 Sessions

  • 60-90 mins Weekly + 2 follow up fortnightly

  • Pre Coaching Worklife Balance Assessment

  • Values Assesment and Alignment

  • Goal Setting Session 1 x Goal

  • Unpack limiting beliefs / decisions

  • Clear limiting beleifs/ decisions with Emotional Change Therapy

  • Accountability during Coaching Sessions

  • Tasking to Support Transformation

  • Base Camp - Signature Brain Basics and Emotional Regulation Program for emotional release


Elevate Package 

  • Personal + Professional Breakthrough

  • 12 Sessions

  • 60-90 mins Weekly then fortnightly

  • Pre Coaching Worklife Balance Assessment

  • Values Assessment and Alignment

  • Goal Setting Session 2 x Goal

  • Choose between Professional Goal and Personal Goals

  • Unpack limiting beliefs / decisions

  • Clear limiting beleifs/ decisions with Emotional Change Therapy

  • Eliminate unwated behaviours or foods

  • Accountability during Coaching Sessions +Additional Weekly Accountability via Email

  • Tasking + Weekly Rituals to Support Transformation

  • Base Camp - Signature Brain Basics and Emotional Regulation Program for emotional release

  • Professional and Career Coaching

Image by Ivana Cajina
Swinging Chair

Resilience and Wellbeing Programs for Workplaces

Brain Based Resilience and Wellbeing Programs for workplaces. 

Neuroscience backed, Brain Based approach to teaching your people who to manage the VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) nature of the corporate world we find ourselves operating in today. 


These sessions can be flexed for high participation for smaller group up to 20 or online yet still highly interactive for larger groups. 

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